What Can You Have on Clear Liquid Diet

what can you eat on a clear liquid diet

A clear liquid nutrition requires you to swallow simply clear liquids that are hands digested and don't leave residue in your digestive tract

A clear liquid diet requires you to swallow simply clear liquids that are easily digested and don't go out residual in your digestive tract.

What to eat

  • Water
  • Fruit or vegetable juice (without added sugar or milk)
  • Tea
  • Coffee and tea (without milk)
  • Sports drinks
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Broths
  • Dear
  • Gelatin
  • Jell-O
  • Popsicles

What to avert

  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Alcohol
  • Fruit lurid
  • Anything solid or semi-solid

Why you lot may need a articulate liquid diet

The main purpose of a articulate liquid diet is to let your digestive tract residuum and give it time to make clean itself out.

Your doc may put y'all on a clear liquid diet earlier imaging procedures such as colonoscopy and endoscopy where a clean picture of the colon is an absolute necessity for diagnosis. Doctors besides recommend clear liquid diets earlier and after gastrointestinal surgeries to prevent nausea and vomiting.

Although some people apply this diet for weight loss, it should never be followed for long because it cannot fulfil your calorie and nutritional needs and can have long-term consequences on your wellness.

What are the benefits of a articulate liquid diet?

Benefits of a clear liquid diet include:

  • Improve recovery afterward surgeries: Reduces the hazard of stress on the gut after surgery and prevents nausea, airsickness, and diarrhea. Past giving y'all minimum optimum nutrition, information technology can aid in faster recovery.
  • Ameliorate imaging procedures: Helps empty out solid materials from the gut that would otherwise obstruct the view of the imaging.
  • Improved hydration: Keeps your body hydrated due to the increased water content in all foods in a articulate liquid diet.
  • Improved digestion: Gives the digestive system a residuum, enhances its power to work properly.
  • Improved center health: Minimizes lipid peroxidation in the torso due to the very low fat content. Because lipid peroxidation is the main damaging factor for wellness, a clear liquid nutrition helps better cardiovascular health.
  • Improved immune system: A decrease in lipid peroxidation and an increment in nitric oxide helps in the overall performance of the immune arrangement.

Are there risks to eating a liquid diet?

Risks of a clear liquid diet include:

  • Regaining lost weight: Any weight loss that occurs on a clear liquid nutrition will probable come up back once you start eating solid foods.
  • Food deficiencies: A clear liquid diet is high in carbohydrates but lacks proteins and fats that are every bit essential for the proper functioning of the body. Following a liquid diet for a sustained period of time tin cause a deficiency of proteins and fats, leading to serious health problems. Information technology can as well cause extreme fatigue and dizziness.
  • Limited inquiry: At that place is limited enquiry about liquid diets, and they are but recommended before certain specific medical procedures. Niggling is known well-nigh the effectiveness of liquid diets in weight direction or other aspects of health.


Diet-Wrecking Foods: Smoothies, Lattes, Popcorn, and More in Pictures See Slideshow

Medically Reviewed on 9/14/2021




Source: https://www.medicinenet.com/what_can_you_eat_on_a_clear_liquid_diet/article.htm

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