Beyond ABCs: Can school give kids a lifelong love of learning?

Fourth-graders Jorlando Vega (center) and Diego Reyes prepare to dissect a frog with the help of a Quinnipiac University med student as part of a
4th-graders Jorlando Vega (center) and Diego Reyes set up to dissect a frog with the help of a Quinnipiac University med educatee as part of a "mini-med-school" expedition at Elm Urban center College Prep, in New Haven, Connecticut. Credit: Brenda Iasevoli for The Hechinger Study

NEW Oasis, Conn. — The third- and fourth-graders at Elm City College Prep, clad in protective goggles and facemasks, studied their preserved frogs with the seriousness of med students facing their first cadaver. They had practiced the dissecting procedure in an online interactive, and now they were ready to enhance real scalpels and get a look at the frogs' insides.

"You tin hear a pin drop in the classroom when the kids are dissecting," said Courtney Cayer, a science instructor at Elm City and the founder of the school'south "mini-med-school" program. "They take it and then seriously. But there's besides this sparkle in their optics that says, 'This is actually disgusting and I honey it!'"

Cayer knows how they experience. She felt the aforementioned thrill when she was a young girl and her doctor dad showed her how to dissect a frog. Back then she could imagine no greater joy than accompanying him on his rounds. Curiosity opened up a world of options and potential careers to her. Now she wants to ensure that her students experience that sense of possibility.

"The sorry reality is high school might exist too belatedly." she said. "It'south important to inspire them when they are immature."

How do yous encourage that kind of curiosity and passion in kids, and the persistence to follow where it leads?

Elm City wants to notice out. It's one of three "Greenfield" schools in the Accomplishment First lease network, so called to conjure an image of an open up field where anything imaginable can be built: a school of limitless possibilities. (The other 2 schools are in Brooklyn, New York, and Providence, Rhode Island.)

"We believe in the idea of trying on different identities: 'I'm going to be a photographer, robotics engineer, or actor in a Shakespeare play.' "

The Greenfield model uses some rather commonplace strategies, such equally integrating online learning, small-grouping instruction and greater parental and community involvement. Where the model pushes boundaries is in the improver of learning experiences called "expeditions." These are not field trips. They are two-week intensive courses that take children outside the classroom and beyond the traditional subjects.

Expeditions aim to impart what Cayer learned by being around her father: a habit of pursuing expertise or passion, or both. Elm City requires that students take expeditions three times a year; they are taught by professionals and immersed in fields like journalism, orchestra, theater, trip the light fantastic toe and medicine. Students become interns of sorts, and are encouraged to pursue their curiosity — even in unexpected directions. Such pursuits are increasingly unusual in today's standardized testing culture, particularly in schools that serve low-income populations (roughly three-quarters of Elm City children authorize for free or reduced-toll dejeuner, a standard measure of poverty).

Fifth-graders (from left) Jayden Vargas, David Bojorque, and Ariyana Denny figure out how to make their Lego robot move in a robotics class at Elm City College Prep, in New Haven, Connecticut.
5th-graders (from left) Jayden Vargas, David Bojorque, and Ariyana Denny figure out how to make their Lego robot move in a robotics class at Elm Metropolis Higher Prep, in New Haven, Connecticut. Credit: Brenda Iasevoli for The Hechinger Written report

"We believe in the thought of trying on dissimilar identities: 'I'thousand going to exist a photographer, robotics engineer, or actor in a Shakespeare play,' " said Aylon Samouha, the leader of the Greenfield model's design squad. "The activity might low-cal the spark that creates a deeper purpose, but even if it doesn't, information technology's the experience of trying on something new, seeing how information technology feels and and so, hopefully, opening yourself up to try the next thing. It's a hard affair to measure, but learning scientific discipline suggests that this is the example."

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The Greenfield model was conceived in the autumn of 2014, when a squad of schoolhouse designers led by Samouha traveled the country visiting charter schools and borrowing their best ideas. Samouha aimed to transform the picture of instruction from one of kids dutifully doing assigned work to one of kids "who are only on fire about their own learning path."

Achievement First was responding to what co-founder Dacia Price describes as a wake-upwardly call in 2013. The charter network's New York students had scored below expectations on the new, more than challenging Common Core tests. Merely the more startling problem was that the lease network didn't seem to exist fully preparing its students for success beyond high school. College completion rates for their graduates were between 30 and 50 percentage, well above the 14 percent national average for low-income higher goers, but not up to the network's own standards.

"It was sobering to realize we were non preparing kids about as well as we thought we were," said Toll, adding that she would similar to see her students' college graduation rates top the 77 pct charge per unit of wealthy students. "Clearly nosotros're not setting out to accept [only] one-half of our students be successful."

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Price sees expeditions as a way to give students what they need for that long-term accomplishment: strong academics, content that motivates them and the run a risk to work independently besides as collaboratively toward a goal. The hope is that expeditionary learning will solve a problem that has long bedeviled charter schools like Achievement First: graduating kids who and then find it difficult to work independently in college and who eventually drop out.

First-graders take part in a dance expedition led by classically trained ballet, tap and jazz dancer Alisa Bowens, at Elm City College Prep, in New Haven, Connecticut.
First-graders take part in a trip the light fantastic toe expedition led past classically trained ballet, tap and jazz dancer Alisa Bowens, at Elm City Higher Prep, in New Haven, Connecticut. Credit: Brenda Iasevoli for The Hechinger Report

What students need, some education experts say, is a powerful incentive to keep going.

"Kids who take great persistence in their lives, information technology's because they have personal passion," said Ron Berger, principal academic officer of EL Education, a group that'southward working with more than 150 schools across the country to incorporate expeditionary learning into their curriculums. (Berger has consulted with the Greenfield schools on how to build expeditions.) "They learn soccer, ballet, guitar, video games, and work endlessly to go better considering of personal interest and passion."

During the Elm City expeditions, such persistence was evident. Children encountered problems and were driven to find solutions. In a Lego robotics expedition, fifth- and sixth-graders hunched over iPads trying to figure out how to brand their robots move. A group of three appeared to be frustrated. When their robot finally sprang to life, they looked at each other as if they couldn't believe it. Their robot concluded upwards crashing into the wall, but they'd been emboldened by their modest success and got back to piece of work.

In a photojournalism trek, 5th- and sixth-graders got tips from professionals, then went on assignment. Sixth-grader Crystal Francis said it'southward "fun" to take photos and edit them. But a contempo trip to the Neighborhood Music School in New Oasis posed a challenge: She couldn't capture a jazz drummer'south quick hand movements. "We asked him to stand still and agree the sticks up as if he was playing," she said, pointing at a blackness-and-white portrait of the drummer she had taken. "That gave the states clear shots. Then we figured out how to change the mode to get the motility without the mistiness."

Fifth-graders (from left) Sanaii Harrison, Destinee Cummings, Sheyla Castelan and Toure Wright practice clarinet at Elm City College Prep, in New Haven, Connecticut.
Fifth-graders (from left) Sanaii Harrison, Destinee Cummings, Sheyla Castelan and Toure Wright practice clarinet at Elm City Higher Prep, in New Oasis, Connecticut. Credit: Brenda Iasevoli for The Hechinger Report

In the mini-med-schoolhouse expedition, students skillful suturing banana skins and putting casts on mannequin arms that Cayer bought on Amazon. As much as possible, she structures the expedition after real medical schools, assigning kids specialties, similar cardiology. On "rounds," Cayer presents them with scenarios to act out. A "md" might have to diagnose a patient with loftier claret pressure, identify the symptoms and decide which steps to take next.

After the expeditions, students have a "showcase night," demonstrating what they've learned for parents. During a recent showcase, some mini-med-schoolers took parents' claret pressure, while another squad of doctors-in-training explained what to do if information technology becomes elevated.

Toll, who has a first-grader taking the trip the light fantastic toe trek and a third-grader who, after completing the mini-med-school expedition, declared his plans to get a brain surgeon, said, "It's really impressive how they are able to articulate difficult concepts, how professional they are, even referring to each other as 'md.' They fabricated heart contact and for the most part spoke without notation cards. Nosotros are all walking effectually saying 'Wow, this is amazing.'"

"Kids who have smashing persistence in their lives, it's because they have personal passion."

An impressive display, simply volition kids carry these lessons into the time to come? That's what Kristina Zeiser of the American Institutes for Research wonders. She agrees that expeditions tin can motivate kids and boost bookish engagement. Simply her research hasn't shown that they teach cocky-management and persistence.

"Kids today are and then coddled," Zeiser said. "If they are always allowed to follow their own interests, and they know they tin can but change their minds and effort something else tomorrow, maybe they will have less perseverance, because they're not existence told that they have to persist."

Yet EL Education's Berger argues that post-obit i'southward interest is precisely the betoken. "This doesn't hateful everything kids study in school has to be about the passion they came in with. It simply means nosotros should make sure that the piece of work kids do has purpose and meaning to information technology."

Related: "Deeper Learning" improves student outcomes. But what is it?

The exam of a meaningful education is how long it sticks, said Greenfield schools' director of expeditions, Marc Michaelson. "We thought nigh how the students would view their expeditions xl years from at present, how they might look back and see that the experience opened doors for them to pursue a discipline in higher or in a career, or even simply develop sure hobbies in their lives."

Accomplishment First's leaders believe that they've designed a model of schooling focused more on preparedness for college and life than on acing a math or reading test.

"It'southward a long-term perspective that I recollect a lot of organizations are not able to accept," Michaelson said, "considering they are under and then much pressure to get immediate results on tests."

This story was produced by The Hechinger Report , a nonprofit, independent news organization focused on inequality and innovation in education. Sign upwards for our newsletter .

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