Birthing Classes for Mom Only in Colorado Springs Co

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Education & Enrichment

Education & Enrichment Catholic Charities Admin 2021-03-19T15:07:49-06:00
Volunteer reading to children

A variety of free courses, educational resources, and activities are available to empower participants with the skills and knowledge to help their families thrive.

Educational Courses

Check out the class calendar to find out about upcoming classes. To register for a class, email  Some courses are only offered on a seasonal schedule.

This free 3-hour introductory childbirth class taught by a registered nurse. The course is designed to answer questions about labor and delivery for expectant parents.

The Love and Logic Parenting Course provides easy-to-use techniquest that will help you to raise responsible children. We will provide tools such as the importance of choices, a 5-step problem solving technique, fighting words vs. thinking words, listening skills, responsibility, chores, allowances, and much more. Course materials and childcare are provided at no charge. Love and Logic is offered in September and January.  Please call 719.309.2968 for more information or to register.

This free nurturing Program for Prenatal Families® features 2-hour classes over an 8-week period.  The prenatal classes help parents learn ways to bond with their baby, review ages and stages of infant development, and much more.  Showers of Support, free baby showers, are offered to first-time parents who complete the course.

Early Childhood Development

Early childhood education is crucial for the success of any child.  Catholic Charities offers resources and early childhood education programs to help you and your child.  Call 719-309-2968 for more information, or to register for any of our Early Childhood programs.

Bright By Three offers parents of children aged 0-3 with tools, information, and resources to empower them to be the first and most influential teacher in their child's life.  Age appropriate books are distributed to children ages 0-5 throughout several of Catholic Charities programs.  Information on early childhood education and development is provided to parents along with the books.

Early Literacy Project – To better resource Catholic Charities' clients with early literacy awareness and materials to prepare children 0-5 for school.

K i d z K o r n e r A child-friendly space that fosters children's ability to interact in positive and productive ways with their environment and other children and adults by providing opportunities for sharing, respectful expression of feelings, and structured learning associated with our ESL Childcare and the children's component of the Nurturing Program Birth – 5 curriculum.

Motheread/Fatheread is an early literacy program that brings parents together to explore children's books, practice skills, and share strategies for creating a learning culture at home while sharing the joy of reading as a family. Call 719-309-2968 for more information or to register for an upcoming session.

Motheread Fatheread Flyer details

Mother & Babies – A program that promotes healthy mood management by teaching pregnant women and new moms how to effectively respond to stress in their lives through increasing the frequency of thoughts and behaviors that lead to positive mood states.  Call 719-309-2968 for more information or to register for our next session.

Parenting on the GO – On-Demand Parenting/Child Development for families unable to attend a traditional, ongoing parenting class, staff guided curriculum on parenting and child development related topics available to fit individual interests and needs, including a new Single Parenting class and a class on Age Appropriate Play.  Please call 719-309-2968 for more information or to register.

Playgroup is a time for parents and little ones to socialize, play, and learn alongside one another!  There will be playtime, stories, singing, music, art/sensory experiences, dancing/games, snack, and sometimes special visitors from our community.  Please call 719.309.2968 for more information or to register.

Playgroup Flyer Details

Join us for Summercamp this Summer June 2020 at 10 a.m. every Wednesday!  Through a combination of Zoom meetings, at home fun activities, and videos posted on the Family connections Facebook Group, families can attend virtual Summercamp to keep kinds active, curious, and learning at home this summer.

Summercamp Flyer details

Family Enrichment

Family Enrichment is part of an overall program of healthy engagement, encouraging struggling families to participate in coaching and programs that will benefit the family in their journey towards self-sufficiency.  However not every family is ready to commit to a deeper level of engagement so enrichment opportunities are offered at two levels:

  • Catholic Charities safety-net services are for families who are not invested in a deeper level of case management/family life coaching, but need emergency support services such as the children's clothing closet or help with basic needs (diapers, formula, and baby food).  These families qualify for the Birthday Gifts for Children and Layettes for New Moms programs.
  • Incentive-based programs for Healthy Engagement are directed at families who are involved in case management/family life coaching at a much deeper level.  These families earn points based on that engagement and can receive additional needed items for their children.

New Birthday gift bags are provided to families in-need who sign up in advance. Caring community partners help provide birthday goodie bags to children ages 0-17.

Expectant parents are provided with a special layette containing many of the necessities for the arrival of their child.  Layettes are available to parents up to one-month before their due date.

The free course provides information about car seat safety and safe sleep practices for children.  Upon completing the course, families receive a free car seat or Pack n' Play portable crib.  This program is based on funding availability.  Course is offered once a week – please call 719.309.2968 to register.

Contact us for More Infomation

Monday – Friday

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Appointments only after 2:00 p.m.

Kidz Klozet: Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

917 East Moreno Avenue

Colorado Springs, CO 80903


Contact Info

Birthing Classes for Mom Only in Colorado Springs Co


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